Meet the Researcher is a free forum for CPDO at Home members where you can read the latest research and discuss the findings with the researcher.
The forum is live in text format. It will run on specific pre-published dates between 18:30-20:00 GMT (UK).
Your free CPD points:
1. Join CPDO at Home – (Free subscription)
2. Download and read an article at leisure. The articles will be available to download 2-4 weeks before the forum. This will account for 1-2 CPD hours of Self-Directed Learning
3. Join the live (text) forum.
This will provide you with 1 CPD hour of Learning with Others
Educational, clinically relevant, fun and absolutely free!
Forum 3 Oct 2017 New article and forum with lead researcher Tasha Stanton
Stiffness in the Back: Biomechanical or Stretch Sensitivity?
Forum 20 Jan 2016 – Dr. Eyal Lederman
A process approach in manual and physical therapies: beyond the structural model