Online Video Courses
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The Psychophysiology of Slow Breathing Practices
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
This lecture aims to elucidate the psychophysiological mechanisms linking breath control to its positive effects and impact on health and well-being.
It will focus on autonomic changes, brain activity and connectivity modifications (assessed with the EEG and fMRI), and cognitive function and emotion regulation improvements.
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Frozen shoulder: how to expedite recovery
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £55.00
A workshop exploring the theory and management of frozen shoulder. There will be discussion of the aetiology and the processes associated with frozen shoulder and a review of current research findings. During the workshop participants will be introduced to a clinical reasoning method called Process Approach. This approach enables the practitioner to match the most effective management to each phase of frozen shoulder. Constructing effective and efficient management provides supports for the body/person processes associated with functional recovery; in particular, repair and adaptive processes associated with tissue healing and motor recovery and the processes associated with the alleviation of pain/sensitisation.
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Running from the Ground Up: mechanism, form/posture, injury prevention/management
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
This virtual running workshop will help you understand the fundamentals of running bio-movements (biomechanics), efficient running form and how you can prepare yourself or clients to have a successful running career and decrease incidence of injuries. The concepts are based on arts and science of running movement.
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Nutritional management of pain and inflammation
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
This 2022 video lecture will explore the nature and function of inflammation and pain. Acute and chronic inflammatory responses will be examined and nutritional strategies to reduce pain by targeting the molecular mechanisms underlying disruptions in homeostasis will be highlighted. The evidence base for the most effective diet and supplement approaches will be presented with respect to pain and chronic disease.
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Nutritional approaches to anti-ageing
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
Recent advances in nutritional and ageing science at cellular and systems level have given real hope for increasing healthspan and lifespan in humans. By reducing the impact of age-related degenerative diseases and simultaneously delaying cellular senescence, significant increases in healthy longevity are possible. Blue Zone diets and breakthrough supplements will be described and their impact on reducing age related muscle and bone loss examined. The inhibition of age-related glycation and the effects of fasting will also be explored with respect to their theoretical and evidenced ability to slow ageing in humans.
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Stretching: how the science is changing the practice
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
In the last 3 decades we have been informed by science that clinical stretching has insignificant effect on flexibility. This raises the question how do patients recover their range of movement after immobilisation and how do dancers and Yoga practitioners achieve their remarkable flexibility. This workshop video will look at the fascinating science of flexibility, how it is changing our understanding of the practice and the new directions we should be considering when supporting individuals recover or enhance their flexibility.
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Fascia in Sport and Movement – Dr. Robert Schleip
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
This webinar video will review the latest research findings concerning the role of fascial tissues in sports and movement, based on the recent version of the 4-annual Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine congress. These findings will be relevant to yoga/Pilates practitioners, athletic coaches, dance instructors, sports doctors and PTs, osteopaths and other manual practitioners with an interest in sports medicine, martial artists, Feldenkrais instructors and other professionals or amateurs interested in fostering human movement from a fascia-oriented perspective. Best reading preparation: Schleip & Wilke (eds.): Fascia in Sport and Movement, Handspring Publishing, 2021 (2nd edition!).
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Food, Mood and Cognitive Function – Dr. Adam Cunliffe
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
There is a powerful link between the brain and nutritional status. This 2022 webinar video will examine how diet, mood and cognitive ability are linked and this knowledge can be applied. From the development of the nervous system through to impairment in cognitive capacity in old age, nutrition can play a key role in enhancing and protecting the functions of the central nervous system. Fatigue states, depression and eating disorders will be considered. Examples of nootropics, natural aphrodisiacs and sleep and relaxation aids will be given.
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Electrotherapy for Tissue Repair – Pref. Tim Watson
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
A range of Electrophysical Modalities have an evidenced role in facilitating the repair of injured tissues. They are not equal in either their effects on the process nor the mechanisms through which they work. They are not best employed in isolation, but in conjunction with other interventions to provide an optimal care package. This online session video aims to look at which of the modalities has a beneficial evidenced effect and in order to make the material clinically relevant and immediately applicable, we will consider how clinical decision making can be informed by the available evidence – which modality to select and when and for what reason.
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Fascia as a sensory and emotional organ
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
Based on recent investigations, the fascial net constitutes our richest sensory organ; richer than the skin, our muscles, or even our sense of seeing. What do we know about the different sensory functions of this body wide network?
How important is it for proprioception? And which role do visceral and muscular fasciae play for different aspects of interoception? Why does the Autonomic Nervous System provide by far the most numerous nerve supply for our fasciae?
And what can we learn about the influence of chronic emotional stress on neurophysiological dynamics of fascial tissues?
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Posture: the good, the bad and the ugly?
1.5 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £25.00
What is posture and does it exist?
Is there a good or bad posture?
Is there a relationship between posture and musculoskeletal conditions?
Is there any value in postural assessment?
Is postural correction possible and does it have a therapeutic value?
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Health effects of popular diet trends
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
Practitioners can quickly ascertain from patients their overall dietary preferences. The huge increase in individuals following vegan, paleo and other prescriptive diets has been accompanied by some well documented health outcomes and challenges. This session video will equip physical and manual therapists with the key facts regarding the benefits and potential pitfalls of specific popular diets. With a special focus on vegan diets and how to ensure they remain healthy.

The Myth of Core Stability
1.5 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £25.00
In the last two decades core stability training has dominated exercise and movement rehabilitation practices. Despite its popularity, core stability has failed to deliver the benefits that were attributed to it.
In this lecture video Eyal will discuss the problems with core stability principles and why this approach was doomed to fail as a therapeutic tool and a method for improving human performance. He will present an alternative, science-based approach to movement rehabilitation and performance

Optimal nutrition for immunity and resistance to disease
2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £45.00
This lecture video explores the basics of the immune system and the role of nutrition in maintaining best defence against infectious and non-infectious disease states. Topical examples from infectious and non-communicable diseases (cancer and cardiovascular disease) will be examined with effective practical diet and supplement advice on how to minimize both risks and consequences.
Evidence based but accessible, this recorded Webinar is suitable for all those interested in how to optimize immune function using nutrition.
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Fall of the postural-structural model
Up to 3 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £25.00
▪ The body is not a machine
▪ It can’t be fixed like a machine
▪ Musculoskeletal and pain conditions reside within the biological not biomechanical dimension
▪ Recovery from all conditions is a biological not mechanical process
A postural-structural-biomechanical (PSB) model is prevalent in many forms of manual and physical therapies. This model is used to explain the causes of various musculoskeletal and pain conditions. Within this model is the belief that ‘bad’ posture, body asymmetries and poor biomechanics are the cause of commonly seen musculoskeletal and pain conditions.
The PSB model also plays an important role in clinical assessment and management, including the choice of manual techniques and the exercise prescribed. However, the in the last three decades research has consistently challenged and eroded the PSB model with profound implications to manual and physical therapies. This lecture will examine the chasm between research and the PSB model, using lower back pain as an example. It will introduce the participants to a Process Approach model which aim to heal that widening gap.
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Functional Exercise Prescription
Up to 5 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £95.00
In this lecture video Dr Lederman will explore exercise prescription from an osteopathic Process Approach perspective. This approach aims to identify the dominant recovery processes associated with the patient’s complaint and provide a management that is patient and condition specific. This unique osteopathic approach uses the individual’s own movement repertoire found in daily tasks and activities to provide the necessary movement challenges to support recovery.
The workshop will look at the timescales for commencement of exercise after injury, surgery and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. It will also explore how to challenge movement losses in the presence of pain; in particular, identifying when physical loading is safe and beneficial. The workshop will also discuss exercise prescription in relation to enhancing physical and sports performance.
The workshop is modelled on a functional approach in which the movement challenges are derived from the individual’s own movement repertoire. A functional approach is different to traditional remedial exercise practices that are mostly derived from the fitness/strength and conditioning industry. These traditional approaches are often unsuitable and ineffective for individuals recovering from various musculoskeletal and pain conditions.
Condition specific management will be explored through a Process Approach. There are three primary processes underlying recovery from all musculoskeletal and pain conditions – repair, adaptation and modulation of symptoms. In the workshop the participants will learn how to supports these processes with remedial activities/exercise.
In this workshop the participants will learn a current, science informed, approach that can provide a therapeutic continuum between the clinical session and the patient’s environment. This approach will allow you to develop more effective remedial and self-care exercise management that can be applied to a wide range of musculoskeletal and pain condition. In the workshop you will explore how your own remedial approaches can be integrated into the management. Overall, the workshop will provide you with knowledge to develop suitable movement / exercise and self-care plans to further assist the pace and success of your patients’ recovery.
▪ All human physical activity is exercise
▪ Be inducted to the life gym – using daily activities for rehabilitation
▪ Discover “functioncise”: exercise prescription without ‘exercise’
▪ Learn to construct a personalised and condition specific exercise management
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Proprioception workshop
Up to 5 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £25
In this lecture video Prof. Eyal Lederman will explore the role of proprioception in human movement, how this system is affected and recovers in musculoskeletal and pain conditions and how this recovery can be enhanced in rehabilitation.
Proprioception is an area in physical therapies and training where facts are mixed with therapeutic myths to the detriment of effective management. This workshop will aim to untangle this mix and provide the participants with a better understanding of how to work more effectively with proprioception.
Other topics explored in the workshop include:
▪ Can the motor system be controlled by proprioceptors, i.e. control of muscle tone?
▪ Are there proprioceptive specific exercises?
▪ Is fascia the largest sensory organ in the body?
▪ Can proprioception improve/recover with manual therapy?
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How to manage frozen shoulder
How to manage frozen shoulder
Prof. Eyal Lederman
Up to 3 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £25

The myth of core stability
The myth of core stability
Prof. Eyal Lederman
Up to 2 CPD hours Self Directed Learning
Cost: £25